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Opening Hours 

  • 8:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday

  • Christmas shut-down period is for four weeks

  • Closed on all ACT and nationally recognised Public Holidays


Fees for all children: $135 per day.


Families who are eligible for the Australian Government Child Care Subsidy will have their subsidy applied and will be charged only the gap amount.

Bookings that fall on an ACT or nationally recognised Public Holiday will still be charged at the daily rate. 

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What to bring

Families are required to bring the following items:

  • Morning tea

  • Lunch

  • A piece of whole fruit/vegetable to share

  • Nappies (at least 4 per day)

  • Breast milk, formula or milk of choice plus bottles where required

  • A spare change of clothes - extras for children who are toilet training

  • Warm clothing for outside play

  • Drink bottle (can be left at Cubby)

  • Sunsmart hat (can be left at Cubby)

Please ensure ALL items are appropriately labelled.

What is included

Kaleen CubbyHouse will provide:

  • Bed linen for children who require sleeps

  • Sun screen

  • Nappy cream

  • Afternoon tea 

  • Late snack

"Play is the highest form of research."

Albert Einstein

Kaleen Cubby House Association Inc received funding for the ACT Government's Three-year-old preschool program in 2024 and will continue in 2025. Eligible children can participate if parents return a signed parent declaration form. High-quality, play-based early learning is beneficial for children's development and long-term success. Children in early learning programs are more likely to transition successfully to school, stay longer in school, pursue further education, and participate fully in employment and community life as adults.

The preschool program follows the national Early Years Learning Framework Version 2.0 (EYLF V2.0) and the National Quality Framework (NQF). The ACT Government has provided significant investment, offering up to 300 hours of free preschool for eligible children. The subsidy amount varies based on individual circumstances.

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